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Project Managers will now be encouraged to prepare updates on a frequent basis not just at the end of the project. The standard has more voluntary instead of mandatory tone in some areas. Choose any of these that best might fit your current project. More emphasis will be laid on strategic and business knowledge, including discussion of project management business documents.

Instead of earlier 47 processes, there will now be 49 processes. Three new processes will be added, while one process will be deleted. Well in that case you should contact PMI customer care and get the issue resolved, and not look for someone to share a copy with you something that would be illegal.

March 09, at PM. Will I be able to access updates as well? Or do I have to keep my membership active in order to have continuous access? Good question, Karen. March 14, at AM. April 30, at PM. Thanks you very much for your kindness. Best Regard M. October 06, at PM. October 07, at AM. October 07, at PM.

Look for the link in the post above. Basically it comes to this: 1. September 26, at AM. September 27, at PM. July 31, at AM. Leave a Comment Cancel reply Loading Reply to Niranjan. Reply to Rajesh. Anonymous February 13, at PM Hi Niranjan, If you are the member and could not access member areas, call customer support and it would be done in days.

Reply to Anonymous. Reply to Sg. Reply to tarekahf. Reply to Suresh. Harwinder Singh March 04, at PM Suresh, You are standing in front of a well, and asking for water : There's a ocean of study material on this site. Reply to Tushar Agrawal. Reply to Patnam Naveen. Reply to shalini. Reply to Mark. Reply to Natasha Smith.

Reply to Prateek. Harwinder Singh September 01, at AM Well in that case you should contact PMI customer care and get the issue resolved, and not look for someone to share a copy with you something that would be illegal.

Reply to Karen. Integration management Integration management is where the project comes together. There are 7 processes within integration management: Develop project charter Develop project management plan Direct and manage project work Manage project knowledge Monitor and control project work Perform integrated change control Close project or phase Read our full post covering PMP Integration Management.

Scope management Project scope includes all of the work required to complete the project. Schedule management The project schedule tells you when each of the project activities need to start and finish. The 6 processes within schedule management are: Plan schedule management Define activities Sequence activities Estimate activity durations Develop schedule Control schedule Cost management Every project manager has a budget to adhere to.

The 4 processes within cost management are: Plan cost management Estimate costs Determine budget Control costs Read our full post covering PMP Cost Management Quality management Quality refers to how closely the project deliverables adheres to the stakeholders' requirements.

The 3 processes within the quality management knowledge area are: Plan quality management Manage quality Control quality Read our full post covering PMP Quality Management. Resources management Resource refers to the people and materials that you will need to complete the project.

The 6 processes within resources management are: Plan resource management Estimate activity resources Acquire resources Develop team Manage team Control resources Read our full post covering PMP Resources Management Communications management Project team members communicate with each other to ordinate on project tasks and discuss project strategies. The 3 processes within communication management are: Plan communications management Manage communications Monitor communications Read our full post covering PMP Communications Management Risk management Risk is an uncertain event that may or may not happen in the future.

There are 7 processes within risk management, and they are: Plan risk management Identify risks Perform qualitative risk analysis Perform quantitative risk analysis Plan risk responses Implement risk responses Monitor risks Read our full post on PMP Risk Management Procurement management When a project team cannot produce something in-house, they have to obtain a third-party vendor to do it for them.

The 3 processes within procurement management are: Plan procurement management Conduct procurements Control procurements Read our full post on PMP Procurement Management.

Stakeholders management A stakeholder is anyone who has an interest or stake in your project. The 4 processes belonging to stakeholder management are: Identify stakeholders Plan stakeholder engagement Manage stakeholder engagement Monitor stakeholder engagement Read our full post covering PMP Stakeholder Management Read our full post covering PMP Time Management 5 Process Groups The project management process groups are a logical grouping of project management processes to achieve specific project objectives.

The 5 process groups are: Initiating process group - processes performed to define the start of a new project with the required authorizations. Planning process group - processes required to establish the scope of the project, refine the objectives, and define the course of action to achieve the project's objectives.

Executing process group - processes performed to complete the work defined in the project management plan. Closing process group - processes required to officially close down the project. Inputs plans, designs, documents, etc.

Agile Practice Guide Agile originated from the software industry in the early s, and now it is being implemented in a variety of different industries such as education, manufacturing and healthcare. There is clear distinction between 'Communication' as in communicating between two people and 'Communications' content, such as published emails,update to portal etc. Lessons Learned Register is now part of the set of Input, Tools and Techniques which Project Managers will now be encouraged to update on a frequent basis not just at the end of the project similar like as Agile.

You can also order paper copy through online from above link. Print it, fold it and carry it in your pocket for memorizing.

Print it and pin it beside your study table for quick reference while doing mathematical questions. Save it as Desktop background on your PC or Laptop for ready reference. Save it on your mobile device for anytime viewing. It is short. It is comprehensive.


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