Brain sex books free download

Borrow Listen. Download for print-disabled. Brainsex October 26, , Michael Joseph Ltd. Brain sex: the real difference between men and women , Michael Joseph, Viking Penguin. Brainsex Publish date unknown, Arrow. Edition Notes Originally published: London: Joseph, Community Reviews 0 Feedback?

Lists containing this Book. Loading Related Books. Group in English - 1st Carol Pub. July 6, Edited by Jenner. February 13, July 31, Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — Brain Sex by Anne Moir. David Jessel. Get A Copy. Paperback , pages.

Published August 1st by Delta first published More Details Original Title. Other Editions Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Brain Sex , please sign up.

See 2 questions about Brain Sex…. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Jan 15, Koen rated it it was amazing. Guess that makes it five stars - well aware that the debate has moved on somewhat since its publication View all 12 comments.

Apr 14, Isa rated it did not like it. Yes, the female brain is different from as early as gestation according to an Israeli scientist. It's also proven female serial killers think with the same parts of their brains as men. Interesting, but if the first is true how can the 2nd ever occur? The answers aren't stated in this book or anywhere I've looked. Science, funny thing it is.

In this book it's simply a way to counter feminism. As a STEM major, seeing science used to push down women or help fortify the entire "we think different. Science allows us to see connections, establish facts. Speak connections, don't put them as facts. Particularly when environment and experience make so much of the human psyche. Food for thought. Mar 10, Stephanie rated it did not like it. The authors don't take into account any grey areas in human behavior, suggesting genders are cut from two distinct and very different clothes.

Biology is NOT destiny. Horrible book! Dec 21, Janell Rhiannon rated it did not like it. This is the most sexist book I've ever read. Seriously suggesting that we should accept men as viewing women as sex objects and go with the flow No wonder we are still struggling regarding equality between men and women with crap like this out there.

I found this book in my library, read it, have no idea how it was added to my collection and now I'm going to burn it in the fire pit. View all 4 comments. Jul 31, Brenton rated it really liked it Shelves: science. Brain Sex was written by a neuroscientist and a journalist who attempted to collect the myriad nodes of information about the brains of men and women that science had uncovered up to the mid 80s and then decipher the information with regards to what we as a society believe about gender.

In short, all the science up to the mid 80s more or less makes a laughingstock of feminism and the belief that men and women are, genetically and chemically speaking, identical blank slates upon birth upon which s Brain Sex was written by a neuroscientist and a journalist who attempted to collect the myriad nodes of information about the brains of men and women that science had uncovered up to the mid 80s and then decipher the information with regards to what we as a society believe about gender.

In short, all the science up to the mid 80s more or less makes a laughingstock of feminism and the belief that men and women are, genetically and chemically speaking, identical blank slates upon birth upon which society then impresses gender stereotypes.

Such a model of gender couldn't be further from the truth. This is not to say that sexism in any form is perfectly OK; the book proffers that the differences in the brains of men and women give each gender unique strengths and that it would be best for us as a society to recognize these counterpart strengths and figure out how to use them together, whether in the home, in the office, or wherever, rather than one sex trying to become more like the other or, even worse, ignoring the differences completely and carrying on as if they don't exist.

After starting this book, I was surprised to look back and find that it was published almost twenty years ago. I immediately wondered what vast stores of knowledge on brain chemistry and gender differences have been discovered and published since then, and how those discoveries have further strengthened or weakened our knowledge of how gender is determined by hormones and brain structure.

I think that nearly every stereotype is born from truth, no matter how far the stereotype has been twisted, blown out of proportion, or dogmatized. I don't deny that men and women, in general, act differently in a number of ways, but I also know quite a handful of people who do not follow their gender stereotypes.

The science presented in the book clearly explains this, but I'm more curious about the percentages of the population that exhibit these differences, and the authors of Brain Sex don't seem to examine this very closely, instead making broad, sweeping statements about men and map reading and women and emotions. Jan 15, Greta G marked it as not-to-read. Jan 20, Mark Kennedy rated it really liked it. The opening sentence says it all "To maintain that men and women are the same in aptitude, skill or behavior, is to build a society based on a biological and scientific lie.

I found this a very interes The opening sentence says it all "To maintain that men and women are the same in aptitude, skill or behavior, is to build a society based on a biological and scientific lie.

I found this a very interesting read especially in light of the recent or not so recent debates about 'equality'. MPH online. Good Reads. Feed Books. English E-reader. Christian Book. Baen Free Library. DIGI Libraries. Open Library. Free Books.

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