On your Android device, tap here to download EZmobile If you download the above. If you download it to your desktop PC, you need to transfer it to Android device and then tap to install. For new jobs without previous data or jobs having data change, field rep should complete jobs in the web account.
Field reps do not need internet connection while working in the field. Field Rep syncs dispatched jobs to laptop and syncs back completed jobs in the field which are instantly available to company administrators to review and submit to client. With EZwin, going paperless is easy. NET Framework 3. ClickOnce is a Microsoft software. EZmobile Android. EZmobile Android is an 'offline' app that runs on Android phone and pad Android 2. Inspection Form Sample. Inspection Report Sample. Training Videos.
Your session will expire in. The app enables efficient data and photo collection in the field. Data collection in the field does not require internet connection; data is downloaded and uploaded with EZinspections web account when internet connection is established. Supported OS:. EZmobile TM Android. EZmobile Android is an 'offline' app that runs on Android phone and pad Android 2.
The app allows photo and comments collection in the field, and job completion on the device if there is no change from previous job data. EZwin is an 'offline' Windows application that allows field reps to complete data and photo collection in the field, and synchronize jobs with their ezInspection. Field reps do not need internet connection while working in the field.
Field Rep syncs dispatched jobs to laptop and syncs back completed jobs in the field which are instantly available to company administrators to review and submit to client.
With EZwin, going paperless is easy. NET Framework 3.