None of Library files developed for the bit version can be directly read by the bit version because of the different format of the floating point numbers. However, the conversion of information in the bit file to equivalent bit information can be slow for large files.
After converting a bit file, it should be saved as a bit file so that is will be read quickly the next time it is opened. The bit version can save all EES, Library and Lookup tables files in a format that can be read by the bit Commercial and Professional versions. EES is programmed to save files in the bit format if the file name extension is.
EES or. LIB instead of. EES64 or. The Open and Save As dialogs provide a dropdown control to select various file types, including the bit formats. The bit version can not read external library files. DLL that were created for the bit version.
It is necessary to recompile these external library files with a bit compiler and save them with. DLL64 file name extensions. DLL must be upgraded to operate with the bit version. The upgrade can be ordered from our Order page. Order Now. Box Madison, WI info fchart. F-Chart Software : Engineering Software. Home Support About Contact. Please note the following information before ordering a bit license file. Both the bit and bit versions of EES can be installed on the same computer.
There is no bit Commercial version. Information Support About Contact Sitemap. The program can also be used to solve differential and integral equations, do optimization, provide uncertainty analyses, perform linear and non-linear regression, convert units, check unit consistency, and generate publication-quality plots. A major feature of EES is the high accuracy thermodynamic and transport property database that is provided for hundreds of substances in a manner that allows it to be used with the equation solving capability.
Box Madison, WI info fchart. F-Chart Software : Engineering Software. Home Support About Contact. Overview EES pronounced 'ease' is a general equation-solving program that can numerically solve thousands of coupled non-linear algebraic and differential equations.